I love cabbage since i was 5 years old when i start knowing what i like and what i dont like. I like cabbage is because my grandmother is a vegetable lover as well as my mother.I was told by my grandmother Cabbage is one of the top vegetable that we must have. I have alot of why why why... Here is the summary of what my grandmother said about cabbage.
Cabbage - a vegetable must have |
- Cabbage plays an important role to lower the cholestrol when we steam. Mean, we eat plain steamed cabbage.
- Cabbage can prevent cancer. This is important as we know cancer is incurable. It helps to prevent bladder cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.
- Cabbage played a role as antioxidant which eventually anti-aging and prevent cancer.
Cabbage - a vegetable must have |
- Cabbage contains anti-inflammatory nutrients, regulation of our inflammatory system
- Cabbage juice in helping heal stomach ulcers
Let's have cabbage at least once a week by steaming it to develop a healthy lifestyle by controlling our diet.