Monday, June 6, 2011

Detox Diet

When we talk about detox diet, what is the first idea that comes through your mind?

Generally, detox diet is actually help to relieve your system from synthetic chemicals and free radicals. All these chemicals and redicals are harmful in our body. Detox helps to put you on the right track of diet.
The basic concept of detoxification is helping your body get rid of the accumulated toxic waste. During detoxification, we must stay away from food products that contains an extraordinary amount of toxins such as caffeine and nicotine, meat, starchy vegetables, refined sugar, dairy products and bread. This way you can potentially prevent the build up, and lessen the need to detoxify.
Here are my simple detox diet tips : -
  • Drink 1.5 litre water a day
  • Drink this : half lemon a glass of water with a pinch of cayenne pepper and ½ tsp of olive oil first thing in the morning
  • Eat a lot of salad to get lots of live enzymes and minerals and also to detoxify heavy metals from the body
  • Eat lots of fruit before you starts your detoxification to allow your body to detoxify itself first.
  • Enjoy steam bath with using a cup of baking soda or a cup of sea salt. Soak for 20 minutes and then scrub the skin gently with soap. After a while, you will see the water turnsturn murky due to heavy metals coming out of the skin, including aluminum and mercury. You may do this once in a week during your detoxification.
  • Exercise at least 20 minustes daily.
 Above are few simple steps for detox diet.. Let's try these before the next step of detoxification.

1 comment:

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